Avi Yosef Ra'anana First

Avi Yosef


Residents of Ra'anana

Esteemed residents, I am honored to announce my candidacy for the position of Mayor of the city of Ra'anana. I do so after many years of voluntary public activity and a deep familiarity with the city, its inhabitants, and the challenges that lie ahead in the coming years. I would like to present to you the main goals I have set for myself, should you choose me to lead the city. I am committed to being faithful to my promises to you, and the success of these goals will be evident in their implementation.
However, beyond specific projects and concrete plans, my foremost commitment to you is to restore Ra'anana to its residents! To conclude the period of conflicts, rivalries, and personal power struggles, and to lead with a management approach based on collaborative engagement in municipal activities and the functioning of the City Council. Ultimately, I will place the city's well-being at the center.
Ra'anana must find new leadership that will lift it from today's political stagnation and guide it toward a new horizon of public action with tangible results. I invite each and every one of you to join me and lead Ra'anana toward the anticipated change.
I have no doubt: Together, we can achieve it!

חתימה אבי יוסף

Avi Yosef

Candidate for Mayor

Together Movement

"Together Movement," led by Avi Yosef, has only recently been established and is already becoming an address for new members who join it every day. People who are seeking a framework through which they can make an impact and improve the quality of their lives. People who love Ra'anana and are searching for a clean, quiet place where they can find friendship and cooperation, driven by their love for the city. The "Together Movement" is the place to dream together about tomorrow's Ra'anana, and to collectively turn dreams into reality.
The "Together Movement" is the voice that represents people like you; it's the place for you!

:The main projects for this term

Holon – The Children's City? Tel Aviv – A city that never sleeps? Ra'anana – The Family City! A city that provides a high quality of life, education, culture, enrichment and frameworks for youth, adults, and senior citizens. A city that generates experiences for families residing in it, with shared events for children and parents, activities, challenges, competitions, and initiatives for personal and family talent development.
We will advance priority lanes and enable the use of fast and efficient public transportation, thus allowing easy and swift accessibility to the city center, the western railway, the south, and Tel Aviv. Additionally, we will establish a network of bike lanes, ensure accessibility and pedestrian-friendly environments, provide parking solutions for cars, and explore additional ways to alleviate congestion and improve our quality of life. Complex? Perhaps. But together, we can make it happen!
Every boy and girl in the city, from daycare to sixth grade, will be entitled to two clubs – the first one free and the second one at a subsidized price. One club will focus on sports, and the other will concentrate on intellectual development and talent enhancement. These clubs will be offered within school premises during and after school hours, making it easy and accessible for children to attend. Additionally, the club hours will be extended beyond the current norm. Moreover, educational institutions in the city will remain open after hours and will serve as community activity centers – for children and adults alike. Will it help? Very much! And together, we can make it happen!
I will rebuild and expand the city's security patrol, empowering it with authority and resources so that it can effectively address crime, street gangs, vandalism, and any threats to the residents' quality of life. This way, we will enhance and restore the sense of personal security for every resident. Yes, it has existed in the past, but personal conflicts that paralyzed the municipality, hindered decision-making, and significantly limited the security patrol's activities. Together, we can make this happen.
I will set up a well-structured education system that opens high school registration zones in a systematic and gradual manner. High schools will be encouraged to adopt a unique profile and develop an educational identity that allows each student to choose their field of study from a wider range of options. We will create academic partnerships between educational institutions in the city and universities and colleges in the fields of sports, arts, music, and science, to establish new learning paths and unique projects. I will establish and operate a "Reinforcement System" for students in need of additional support in English, Hebrew, and mathematics, with the aim of reducing gaps and saving parents the expense of private tutors. We will advance programming clubs starting from third grade, exposing children to the world of technology at an early age. We will promote protected programs within school premises, as well as experiential learning programs – significantly meaningful within public spaces.
I will establish an area that provides an outlet for local artists in all fields to express themselves, catering to both city residents and art enthusiasts from within and outside the city. So what if we're Ra'anana and not Jaffa? We also deserve a creative and "cool" corner, and together – we can make it happen.

Avi Yosef

  • Avi Yosef Age 51, married + 4, resident of the Perachim neighborhood, living in Ra’anana for the past 25 years.
  • An attorney and owner of a law firm in Ra’anana. Holds a degree in law and business administration from Reichman University, a distinguished Dean’s List graduate, and a research assistant for Prof. Uriel Reichman.
  • Served as a legal advisor and academic consultant to the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.
  • Chairman of the Parents’ Leadership of the Excellence Campus in Ra’anana for 8 years, and a member of the Municipal Parents’ Leadership.
  • Founder and director of the “Ami” Association – Educating Children Through Business, an urban project that provides volunteer private lessons to children in Ra’anana.
  • Founder of the Weekly Hour Project in the community – Businesses contribute to the community from their field of expertise.
  • Founder of the “Amal” Project – Collecting Computers for Children. Computers are donated by companies and businesses, and after upgrading and refurbishing, they are given to children identified by the city’s education department.
  • Member of the SOS Children’s Village Israel Association. 2018 Rotary Club Ra’anana
  • Man of the Year. 2022 Ra’anana Lions Club Man of the Year.

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