Avi Yosef Ra'anana First

Avi Yosef

Ra'anana needs a
unified leadership


Donations to the party "B'Yachad" led by Avi Yosef" Ra'anana must change! The elections are right around the corner and to create a new and unified leadership for Ra'anana, we need your assistance. Any amount helps, and we thank you for your assistance and partnership. you can donate to us in the following ways:

By bank transfer:

Bank Mizrahi Tefahot Account number 315816 Branch 423 In the name of Avraham Yosef for the mayorship of Ra'anana.

By bank checque

To: Avraham Yosef for Mayor of Ra'anana Please phone or text to 0544458034 to organize the collection of the cheque.

Using the Paybox app:

Avraham Yosef for mayor of Ra'anana

You can donate up to NIS 10,000 per person. The donation must be made from the account of a private person who is resident in Israel.

It is forbidden to donate from a company, association, partnership, etc.

Thank you,

Avi Yosef